Is trading better than investing?

Enrich Blog has the best answer for this question “Which is best Trading or investing?”
Investing and trading are 2 terribly completely different strategies of trying to profit within the financial markets. The methods might differ, however the goal is to make profit.
The goal of investment is to step by step build wealth over an extended amount of your time through the buying and holding of a portfolio of stocks, baskets of stocks, mutual funds, bonds and different investment instruments.
Investors usually enhance their profits through change of integrity, or reinvesting any profits and dividends into further shares of stock.
Investments are usually held for a amount of years, or maybe decades, taking advantage of perks like interest, dividends and stock splits on the method. whereas markets inevitably fluctuate, investors can "ride out" the downtrends with the expectation that costs can rebound and any losses can eventually be recovered.
Investors are usually more involved with market fundamentals, like price/earnings ratios and management forecasts.
Trading, on the other hand, involves the additional frequent buying and selling of stock, commodities, currency pairs or different instruments, with the goal of generating returns that outperform buy-and-hold finance.
investing and trading-enrich
While investors is also content with a 10 to 15 annual return, traders would possibly ask for a 10th return
every month.
Trading profits are generated through buying at a worth|lower cost|cheaper price} and selling at a better price inside a relatively short period of your time.
Selling Short
Trading profits are created by selling at a higher price and buying to cover at a lower cost (known as "selling short") to profit in falling markets.
Where buy-and-hold investors wait out less profitable positions, traders should build profits (or take losses) among a specified
amount of your time, and sometimes use a protecting stop loss order to automatically
close out losing positions at a planned price level.
Categories of Traders
A trader's "style" refers to the time frame or holding period during which stocks, commodities or alternative
trading instruments are bought and sold. Traders usually represent one among-est four categories:
Position trader – positions are held from months to years
Swing trader – positions are held from days to weeks
Day trader – positions are held throughout the day only with no overnight positions
Scalp trader – positions are held for seconds to minutes with no long positions
Traders usually select their trading style supported the following factors:
1. account size
2. amount of your time that may be dedicated to trading level of trading experience
3. personality and risk tolerance.
Major distinction
Both investors and traders ask for profits through market participation. In general, investors ask for larger returns over an extended period through buying and holding
Traders, by contrast, benefit of each rising and falling markets to enter and exit positions over a shorter timeframe, taking smaller, additional frequent profits.